Sunday, July 4, 2010

Are you Listening?!?!

Listen...If my 23yr aged brain can conjure one bit of sound advice, it would be this: Listen. I had an interesting conversation with someone the other day. Previously, this person wouldnt have been anywhere on my radar of people I wanted to choose conversation with. However, it was one of the those moments when they "just wanna talk" and you "just wanna run". Well this conversation, began by asking me my occupation. I said counseling, and attempted an exit. Stormed by my inability to stop talking about my self, another question insued and, I stayed. We got to talking about counseling and he responded, "all you need is love" I quickly gave reasons to why this is too ideal, wrong for my work setting and useless...,.. But than completely out-of-character for me, I listened...I told my brain to shut up, and just listened. I realized for the first time ever, that human contact required subsiding ones view, in order to meet a person on the same plain. Of course, I still did not agree with some of his viewpoint, but this time i didnt combat. I just listened. And after i had listened, and returned back to my own thoughts, I realized I was having an almost out of body experience. Listening, not anaylizing why, Listening, even though I still thought he was wrong, I felt different. It was as if i was hearing someone speak for the first time. I am a singer, music lover, and amatuer musician, but for the first time..i was listening. It felt so different and good, that I needed to write about it. So i rememeber. LISTEN TO PEOPLE, dont just nod your head, but really listen. You would be suprised at how much you dont know, if you just stopped thinking YOU wrote the book on it all..Its not a misplay of your confidence, its a demonstration of humbleness.

So, I will start to listen, Im turning 24 in two weeks, I think its about time I started.

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