Sunday, July 18, 2010


Re-lay-shun-ship... Breaking it up into small parts, I will make an attempt to understand it. Relay, its a race, a competition at times, the eye staring staunchly on the prize. Shun, this may have something to do with how we treat those not in relationships, or those, swingers that try to take our mate. Ship, seems to elude to a type of journey, with twists and turns, rocky points, trials, and tribulations. Relayshunships, can serve different purposes. Some may be for the purpose of marriage, procreation, fulfilling life's purpose, ecetera ecetera. Some, may be leading towards that direction, in a long term agreement. Some are new-bies, the stench of mystery and "the unknown" drenching them. Yet others are more casual. Maintaining some basic rules, but keeping distance. Others, are not built to last, more built to sustain a one night type of engagement....I respect each type of relationship, I believe each has a place and purpose to an end. Not needed to be experienced by all, but important to know. In the instance of relationships, is the end the same for each? Eventually,half of those darling marriages will fail, due to divorce, those leading up to it, may break up. The ones lasting several years having a delightful burning type of resentment attached to them, due to their longevity, comfort, and exposure to the others' world. The newbies, well, the scent of newness wears off, if they are strong enough to survive, Godspeed! but for the others, the initial intoxication was not enough. Those one-evening engagements, are fun,but tend to leave one feeling, somewhat unfulfilled, unsatisfied, some leading to question motives, of either emotional need fulfillment or dysfunctional assessment of self worth.
So, what can we say about it? Essentially, we are on the ship together, some at more sturdy points in the current then others, but never knowing what direction fate may turn it. I suppose one truly takes a risk when handling another. Their baggage, their past, their quirks, their devices. Mixing the chemicals of yourself with them, can create either a masterpiece or a chemical war-zone. Its a scary ride, but one worth the risk.

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