Saturday, November 27, 2010

In a World of Pure Imagination

We, as humans, are a valuable venue of power. The power we wield, has the energy to change our circumstances and our reality. In the same accord, it has the power to destroy all we ever thought we knew...and it all begins with a thought. If social work has taught me one thing, it is that a heavy majority of what we believe about the world, derives from our own perception of it. The person standing next to you on the subway, may be looking at the same scene of crowded train cars, people swaying back and forth, listening to their music players and reading their newspaper, but what we both perceive is worlds apart. If this is so, that two parallel realities can be playing out at the same time, how much more then, can we change our reality?

"If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it" -Willy Wonka

I'm not saying that we must throw caution to the wind, Life is not to be toyed with, but was it not also intended to be enjoyed? If we constantly see the world as a horrible dysfunctional place, we will have paved our realities into that belief. If we choose to systematically find good, good will be found. It {life} is not over until you allow it to be. when your 85, move to Canada and back again, go back to school, know that your circumstances only half pull you down and that the rest is up to you.

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