Sunday, January 24, 2010

Conans Final Words

"Please do not be cynical, I hate cynicism, for the record, it’s my least favorite quality, It doesn’t lead anywhere, nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were gonna get, but if you work really hard and are kind, amazing things will happen, I'm telling you amazing things will happen” –CoNan O’Brien

I thought this very insightful. Here is a man, at his last moments spent on NBC turf, a place he called home for 20 years; his sentiments are genuine, the expression on his face tells a tale of appreciation rather than hate. He implores "the young people" to not be cynical. Cynicism means to distrust human behavior and motives...It means to consistently assume others are going to fuck us over. It is interesting that Conan said this, after having been royally fucked over by NBC.
Conan I tip my hat to you for your efforts...I hope it hits home for us....Young people are the most desensitized individuals it seems. I, included in this group, find it hard not to be cynical at times. With societies missiles coming from all ends, bombarding us with expectations, requirements and competition, it seems were all in it to seek and destroy, until we are on top. Conan, however, completely remedies the chronic illness of cynicism with kindness. He says the former will get you nowhere. You will continue to trample on others until you lay amidst rubble. No positivity has been built here. Your foundation is greed. With kindness, the foundation is built on the community effort of making life bearable for all mankind. We suddenly think outside our selfish desires and recognize the world as something we ALL live in. We are much bigger than our dream houses and picket fences. Some may never recognize this, Conan, has stumbled on to something great.

Thanks CoCo.

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