Thursday, January 5, 2012

Reading Plato

Plato, believed that we are dimmed versions of "Perfect Forms". We are imperfect replicas, that originated from a single set of Forms. When I think about beauty, in nature, in the human spirit, in growth, .....I always felt that, these versions, were only glimpses, only flickering lights, of a perfectness that existed somewhere....
Plato told a story of a group of shackled individuals in a dimly lit cave, illuminated only by a large fire behind them. These people could only see shadows of themselves and other images flickering on the wall..THIS was their reality. Most of the prisoners were unimaginative or apathetic and simply accepted this reality without speculation. The more inquiring minds observed patterns more clearly and tried to understand their world. Yet Truth eluded them. One of the prisoners breaks free from his shackles and escapes the cave, emerging into the light of day, blinded by is brightness, again only seeing a shadowy representation of reality. Over time, however, this person acclimates his senses to his surroundings and sees things more clearly: the landscape the sky, the sun's illumination.

We can choose to ignore it, but then, we will remain in the cave, only half living, only have knowing. Instead, we must seek out and experience the beauty, the truth, going deeper, asking harder questions and not being afraid of the answers.